ECDIS software update 16 October 2012

Important notice to all NAVTEAM JRC Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).
SMM 2012 in Hamburg 16 August 2012

Meet us at the shipbuilding, machinery and marine technology international trade fair in Hamburg.
Important ECDIS information 25 March 2012
Important information to ECDIS customers
Updating to latest JRC ECDIS software version V55 is now available.
Please follow the link to website for more information and software download.
Research vessel Sanna 09 March 2012

Navteam has now finalized newbuilding project no #416 on Karstensens Shipyard in Skagen Denmark...
NEVA exhibition in Sct. Petersburg.. 09 September 2011
NAVTEAM participates at the NEVA exhibition in Sct. Petersburg, Russia, 20. - 23. September 2011.