JRC Platinum Distributor Grading

20 November 2015 Share Print

Navteam receives JRC Platinum Distributor grading


As one of very few, Navteam has been awarded the highest JRC distributor grade – Platinum.


In order to recognize, support and reward the efforts of their distributors, JRC Alphatron Marine has introduced a distributor grading system, where all distributors are grated platinum, gold or silver.

The system was implemented in order to aid distributors in their efforts to support customers worldwide – the higher the grade, the more benefits and support, and thus ultimate conditions for our customers.

As one of very few, Navteam has been awarded the highest grade – Platinum – and this means that we will be able to offer exceptional support and the best solutions for our customers on JRC Alphatron Marine equipment.


For further information, please contact Navteam sales department – or call +45 6321 8080.


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