JRC JFE-400/700 Echo Sounder

24 June 2021 Share Print

Extremely accurate and reliable sounding performance

JFE 400 700 all

 The JFE-400 and JFE-700 echo sounders from JRC continue the tradition of enhanced depth technology with high accuracy and reliability. 

Interference prevention funtion
Equipped with interference prevention function, it is possible to prevent mis-identification of interference waves from other ships. This is especially effective when many small vessels are sailing close by.

Key Features:

• High visibility color touch panel LCD
• 48 hours of depth data mamorizing
• Echoes in 8 colors or 8 levels of monochrome
• Dual frequency display
• Optional printer (JFE-400) or built-in printer (JFE-700)
• Other ships interference prevention function 

Please see here for full brochure and please contact our sales department at  for further information.

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