Door to deck delivery
Did you know that NAVTEAM is a leading expert in time critical spare parts transportation worldwide?
Our highly experienced team of spare part sales coordinators will help you find the right spare part for your equipment and our logistic department are ready to ship your spares with transport solutions ranging from pickup to on-board delivery. We can also send our flying squad of skilled technicians to give you a fast and effective service to avoid a vessels delay.
It is NAVTEAMs goal to solve the problem in the first attempt
To support our dedicated teams we have a large stock of spare parts in our large warehouse including spares for JRC, Yokogawa, Tokyo Keiki, Intellian, Motorola, ACR and many other brands. Our daughter companies in Malaysia and Poland also carry a large stock of spares as well as new equipment.
Contact our spare part sales coordinators Gitte Thomsen or Peter Kristiansen on email: